We are building connected homes in smart communities to address the housing crisis in the US and internationally.
Remember ... It takes a village!
The Gaia City concept is a Clean Community concept that is designed to help people live closer to and with the Earth while being connected to the world at large. We offer Single Family, Multi Family, and Mixed-use buildings to help people live a life of peace and joy. It's time we lived our best lives while living in sync with the planet.
These communities can be built in urban setting to help with Commercial to Urban Conversion projects or Greenfield suburban communities built approximately 30 mins to city centers.
Core Elements of all Gaia Cities
Smarter Homes
Details on the type of homes we will build
Prefab High-performance homes
Renewable energy, Passive Solar homes
Super Effecient Equitpment & Appliace Deployment (SEAD)
Connected Security Networks and Free WiFi
Residence as a Service (RaaS)
24/7 Support Center via Phone and Mobile App
Predictive and Preventive Maintenance
Away From Home Services
Support Servics e.g.; Pet Care, Laundry, House Cleaning, etc.
Build Equity While You Rent
All Residents will have an Investment Account opened on their behalf in our Invesment Fund.
10% of every month's Rent will be reinvested in their Account
The longer they stay with us, the more money their Investment Account has the potential to grow.
Encourage Wealth Development for the residents
Community Services
Organic Gardens practicing Regenerative Farming
Cantina - so we eat Garden to Table foods
Collaboration spaces for Day Care, Learning and Work
Meditation Halls for personal development
Trails for Walking, Bicycles & Horses when possible
For further information with regards to building a Gaia City near you, or living in these amazing communities please contact:
Paul D'Souza
Founding Partner
505-585-1402 vm